We have been blessed recently with two groups of young people. We want to tell you about it.
From 30 June - 4 July we were blessed with a group of students (25 people including our family and 2 leaders) who worked very hard at building a dock, marking foundations, and setting girders and joists. They also played many games with the local people and presented stories and skits to them. Some evenings there were different video showings, not so much with an outreach message, but more to educate them about the realities of HIV/AIDS in this country. This was very well received. The students took turns sharing devotions and in helping with chores (like meal prep and carrying water up the hill). This group “slept” in the village house of prayer, a building about 10m x 10m. It was an encouragement to us to see the young people so eager to help and so desirous to have others know God in a living way.
From 16 – 19 July we were blessed with the help and encouragement from 14 youth (upper high school and university age) and two leaders from Maple Hill Baptist Church. They came to visit some missionaries from their church and then offered to help us with some building work and to reach out to the local children. Our neighbours were so excited that these teens were happy to lodge with them in their homes and eat their food. Some even started to mourn when the kids left (after only 4 days). For us it was a big encouragement to fellowship with these young people and to hear and see how God is working in their lives, and to share and sing God’s Word together. Each day the team members worked on different things ranging from VBS-type
activities and Bible stories with the local children to framing, making and installing tongue and groove flooring, siding, setting posts, and preparing a roof for steel. Some had the interesting experience of travelling to a neighbouring village across the lake in the dark. We had all been quite impressed with the 1 million candlelight flashlight we had with us. But then when we got out on the water, God showed the light He had arranged—a full moon reflecting brightly off the water right ahead of us! Against that we couldn’t even tell whether our light was on or not! Then when the clouds obscured the moon for awhile, I felt a little vindicated with my puny light, but then the light faded with the battery and I was humbled again. I was thankful for His reminder that He doesn’t really need us for His work; our tools and resources are really insignificant when compared to His. We went to the village, at their request, to explain to them what we were doing in their area and took the opportunity to declare the Good News of Jesus Christ for guilty sinners to them also. The moon was out in full for the return trip. God is good.

What we are working on now is two small cottages, one of which will initially be our home. Once we have built our own home, these will be available to be places of rest (ie. Elim) for other missionaries or even for you when you come to visit us! Keep an eye on our (temporary) website for details on that. It is very important for us to be developing relationships with the locals during this time and so we are happy for opportunities like this to do that. We’re working side by side with them and making good friendships.

Currently, the number of affected children breaks down as follows:
· 10.946 with HIV/AIDS
· 9,400 orphans
· 138,108 living in AIDS-affected families
· 620,585 at immediate risk of infection
· 210,600 orphaned from causes other than AIDS
· 10,000 street, homeless and abandoned children
· 1,311,040 children vulnerable to sexual exploitation

Anyway, we realize a newsletter is long overdue. Thank you all for you faithful prayer and financial support. We deeply appreciate all that you do. We know that you are doing this sacrificially; there are many things that demand your time and money. We are trying to be good stewards of the financial support we receive. By the way, our car is functioning again- Praise the Lord. The boys (Jonathan and Evan)and I were able to replace the radiator and the head gasket. It’s still an old vehicle, but it’s working well for now. Thanks for your prayers about this.
With lots of love from the Sommers!
Richard, Laura and the kids (Jonathan, Evan, Stephanie, Ulissa, and Sarah-Lynn)
For every way imaginable to contact us, check http://www.elimpng.org/
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