It was a difficult decision for us to return to Canada "permanently." There were many indications that God was blessing our efforts to start Elim Ministries in PNG but we did not have peace about the matter. At first we thought it was just the normal thing that missionaries have when they return to their home country--they don’t have any desire to speak about their host country for a few months. Apparently that’s normal and we were having that. We met with our sponsor organization and had good meetings with them. After many months it became clear that our home church could not be our sending church in the work and we saw that as the final indication that we were not to go.
Since then the work we began seems to be being carried on by a new family. We wish them God's blessings in that work.
Our own children have adjusted very well to life in Canada. They have had a good foundation in school in PNG and have made good friends. What is more, they all desire to follow Jesus Christ and have put their trust in Him for their personal salvation.
God has work for us all to do, no matter whether we are here in our home country or overseas in mission work. May He make us all, all believers everywhere, fruitful, very fruitful, in His kingdom for His glory that many will receive the gift of eternal life! Wow, what a prospect!!
Psa 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.